PhD Writing Intensive

Curzon B C384 Birmingham City University 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Research shows that writing in groups makes people more productive. Are you an Arts, Design & Media PhD researcher in the mid to late stages of your PhD and working hard on your thesis? Would you like to find out how many thousands – yes, thousands! – of new words you can write in just one day? Then […]


Thinking of doing a PhD?

Starbucks (Parkside foyer) The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Join us to find out more about undertaking a PhD at the Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, BCU over coffee and cake. Whether you are simply thinking about doing a PhD or in the process of applying, this opportunity will enable you to understand what embarking on a PhD entails, details of the application process and points […]


Practice-As-Research-As-Practice-As …

Curzon C315 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

What exactly is practice-as-research? . Well ... we’re not quite sure we can pin down exactly what it is either. But, that’s the exceptional quality of it - practice-as-research (or whatever else you want to call it) is perhaps defined most effectively by its resistance to be formally, firmly and fully defined. . What we […]


Introducing The Brilliant Club

Curzon C272 Birmingham City University 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

The Brilliant Club offers a unique paid opportunity for current and completed PhD researchers! Tutors deliver programmes of university-style teaching based on their research to small groups of high-performing pupils in schools that serve disadvantaged communities based on their research to help them secure places at top universities. Hear from Joe Loudon, Regional Director of The Brilliant Club about what […]


PhD Writing Intensive

Curzon B C384 Birmingham City University 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Research shows that writing in groups makes people more productive. Are you an Arts, Design & Media PhD researcher in the mid to late stages of your PhD and working hard on your thesis? Would you like to find out how many thousands – yes, thousands! – of new words you can write in just one day? Then […]

Becoming visible as a researcher

Curzon - C260 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Being visible as a researcher is an important way to showcase your research and raise your profile. A general assumption is that using Social Media is a crucial way to do this. But what platforms work best? Where to start? What are the best ways to engage people in the Arts, Design & Media? And […]

Getting to Grips with NVivo

Curzon - C260 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software programme that enables researchers to collect, organise, analyse and visualise textual and audio-visual data sources. It is particularly useful for researchers dealing with in-depth levels of analysis on both small or large volumes of data and can also be used to organise and write literature reviews. This workshop will introduce NVivo to first time […]

The Art of Presenting


We've all been in a talk where we wish the speaker would communicate more clearly or in a more engaging manner. Similarly, we've all felt the weight of expectation as we try to convey something that we think is important and in which we have invested time. A brilliant idea or fascinating topic is one […]

My Brilliant Career: Creating Dynamic Outcomes with your Doctorate


You work for your doctorate, but how can your doctorate work for you? You will have often been asked in relation to your PhD, 'So what are you going to do with that?.' This session seeks to inspire answers and stimulate reflection on that question. This session explores the versatility of the PhD and how […]

Pathways to publishing research


This session aims to get you on the road towards publishing your work guided by researchers who have done just that! We will explore how small first steps are important to getting 'on board', such as publishing a blog and submitting articles to journals. We will also explore how to identify gaps in the market […]

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