Demystifying the P-A-P

Curzon C315 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

PhD students are required to undertake a Progression Assessment Panel after their first year of study (two years for part-time students) to progress onto the rest of their PhD. However, what exactly is the PAP? what does it entail? how can you prepare? and is it really as scary as it sounds?! This workshop includes […]


Performing peer review

C382 Curzon Building, Birmingham

No matter how strong and well-prepared your manuscript, you can guarantee that reviewer 2 will suggest revisions. In fact, the hashtag #reviewer 2 has gone viral – an indicator of curmedgeonly criticism (and fear of it) in the Twittersphere. In this session, a panel of mid-career researchers and Professors will draw on their experiences of […]

Viva Survival

Whether you are on the verge of your viva or want to know more about what it entails, this workshop is for you! This Viva Survival workshop aims to equip you with useful strategies to help you prepare for your viva, get through the big day itself and provide relevant information to demystify the viva […]

Shut up and Write!

C384, Curzon Building

Ever want to have just a few hours in amidst all the PhD chaos to just focus on writing? These regular Shut Up & Write sessions offer a space for like-minded PhD students to meet and get on with, well errr … writing! Tea, coffee and snacks will be available. Feel free to bring food! […]


Writing intensive workshop (with Helen Kara) – postponed

C428 (9:30a.m.) and C459 (1p.m.) 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Sadly, we have had to postpone the writing intensive workshop. This is a precaution, related to the ongoing situation with COVID-19. We hope to reschedule this as soon as we can. Are you an Arts, Design & Media PhD researcher in the mid to late stages of your PhD and working hard on your thesis? […]


Thinking of Doing a PhD?

Microsoft Teams

An opportunity to find out more about undertaking a PhD at the School of Architecture and Design, BCU. About this Event Join us to find out more about undertaking a PhD in Architecture and Design at the Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, BCU. Whether you are simply thinking about doing a PhD or in the […]

Data-driven: the humanities get digital

Online event

Thinking, researching, and being online We are pleased to invite you to the first in a series of workshops on ‘thinking, researching, and being online.’ The past year has brought about changes we could hardly have predicted. With archives closed and research participants accessible only via video calls, much of the research in the humanities […]

Memes, memes, memes

Online event

Thinking, researching, and being online We are pleased to invite you to the second in a series of workshops on ‘thinking, researching, and being online.’ The past year has brought about changes we could hardly have predicted. With archives closed and research participants accessible only via video calls, much of the research in the humanities […]

Dress for the job you want

Online event

Thinking, researching, and being online We are pleased to invite you to the final in a series of workshops on ‘thinking, researching, and being online.’ The past year has brought about changes we could hardly have predicted. With archives closed and research participants accessible only via video calls, much of the research in the humanities […]

Demystifying the PAP

Online event

The Progression Assessment Panel—sometimes abbreviated to PAP—arrives at the end of the first full-time (or equivalent) year for all doctoral researchers. But what needs to be prepared? How long is it? Is it the same for everyone? Does it impact on the success or failure for the PhD? This informal workshop will explore all this […]

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