The first BCU PGR Studio conference brought together an eclectic and fascinating series of lectures and workshops from across ADM. How to Play Knowledge? invited PhD students in the Arts, Design & Media to articulate and also play knowledge in their research, through the different forms and modalities it may take. The creative nature of the presentations aptly reflected the theme of the conference, proving that conference papers do not need to follow traditional expectations in the presentation of research.

One of the highlights was definitely Nikki Pugh’s urban creatures, some of which enjoyed being moved around the room and, at one stage, serenaded by the dulcet tones of Ed. Pete Ashton brought the obscura to life during a discussion of his on-going project in and around Birmingham. The postgraduate presentations demonstrated the wide variety and wealth of the student research being undertaken in ADM, ranging from traditional Igbo storytelling to demonstrations of artistic method and practice.

Intellectual stimulation during the lavish conference lunch was provided by Khulod Al-Bugami’s thought provoking exhibition on guardianship in Saudi society. The innovative conference approach was similarly threaded through the following workshop event, BOOOM! Designed to develop researcher confidence, Simon Ratcliffe approached the role of voice and Karen Hall the relationship between sense of self and research concepts in the development of memorable presentations. Martin Creed, the Turner Prize-winning artist, musician and performer reconsidered questioning and doubt as moments of thought and thinking aloud.

The conference and workshop were well supported by students and staff alike: a big thanks to all those that took part. We look forward to hosting a similarly diverse and creative event in 2016 in addition to other exciting new projects, created with ADM postgraduate students in mind. Watch this space!

  Download the conference booklet here.

nikki pugh  How to Play


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