Latest Past Events

Demystifying the PAP

Online event

The Progression Assessment Panel—sometimes abbreviated to PAP—arrives at the end of the first full-time (or equivalent) year for all doctoral researchers. But what needs to be prepared? How long is it? Is it the same for everyone? Does it impact on the success or failure for the PhD? This informal workshop will explore all this […]

Dress for the job you want

Online event

Thinking, researching, and being online We are pleased to invite you to the final in a series of workshops on ‘thinking, researching, and being online.’ The past year has brought about changes we could hardly have predicted. With archives closed and research participants accessible only via video calls, much of the research in the humanities […]

Memes, memes, memes

Online event

Thinking, researching, and being online We are pleased to invite you to the second in a series of workshops on ‘thinking, researching, and being online.’ The past year has brought about changes we could hardly have predicted. With archives closed and research participants accessible only via video calls, much of the research in the humanities […]

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