Waking Walk Winterbourne

Winterbourne House University of Birmingham, Birmingham

During the spring months, members of the ADM PGR community will get the opportunity to participate in three walking tours organized by Gregory Dunn, artist & AHRC Funded PhD Research Candidate and supported by the PGR Studio's Research Development Fund. Please, find the invitation for the first walk below ... >Waking>Walk>Winterbourne> Want to experience a waking life outside […]

Thinking of doing a PhD?

Starbucks (Parkside foyer) The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

Join us to find out more about undertaking a PhD at the Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, BCU over coffee and cake. Whether you are simply thinking about doing a PhD or in the process of applying, this opportunity will enable you to understand what embarking on a PhD entails, details of the application process and points […]


Viva Survival

P130 The Parkside Building Cardigan Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Whether you are on the verge of your viva or want to know more about what it entails, this workshop is for you! This Viva Survival workshop aims to equip you with useful strategies to help you prepare for your viva, get through the big day itself and provide relevant information to demystify the viva […]


Demystifying your PAP

Curzon C315 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

PhD students are required to undertake a Progression Assessment Panel after their first year of study (two years for part-time students) to progress onto the rest of their PhD. However, what exactly is the PAP? what does it entail? how can you prepare? and is it really as scary as it sounds?! This workshop includes […]


Coffee and Chat

6/8 Kafe Millennium Point, Birmingham

“There is no way I could take an hour out of my busy schedule to do something nice, for a free coffee, to have a space to chat with people from different departments at different points in their studies. I have absolutely no time to maybe learn something or maybe share my knowledge and no […]


PhD picnic

Eastside City Park Curzon Street, Birmingham

Take a well-deserved break from your PhD as we come towards the end of the academic year and join us for an informal picnic in the (hopefully) sunny weather. Bring your lunch, kick back and relax with fellow ADM PhD students. We'll be in the park area outside the Parkside Building. Please bring friends or […]

Devising a Research Strategy

P131 The Parkside Building 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

What makes your research distinctive? How can you prepare for your postdoctoral career and beyond? In this workshop, Dr Oliver Carter talks about devising a research strategy, and planning a research career. Through a series of activities we reflect on what it means to have an intellectual project, and the benefits this can bring.

Demystifying the PAP

Microsoft Teams

The Progression Assessment Panel, or PAP, arrives at the end of the first full-time (or equivalent) year for all doctoral researchers. But what needs to be prepared? How long is it? Is it the same for everyone? Does it impact on the success or failure for the PhD? This informal workshop will explore all this […]

Research Ethics – Online, Drop-in Session

Microsoft Teams

Research Ethics is just part of the broader focus on Research Integrity that all researchers are expected to adhere to, with applications for ethical review submitted before any primary research is carried out, usually in the first year of the PhD.  If you have questions, issues that it would be helpful to explore or you would […]

Inside//Out Festival

Curzon 408 , United Kingdom

Booking for next week's Inside//Out Festival is now open with a fabulous lineup of quick-fire talks, collaborative chaos and audience involvement. 10 speakers, 11 presentations - quick-fire feedback and fun!  We'd be delighted if you can join us for an afternoon of research, collaboration and a chance to connect with other PGRs. Details of the […]

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