The MEME Research Cluster (Media and Education Methodological Encounters) invite you to …
“Who do you think you are?” Constructing theoretical and methodological frameworks for the investigation of professional identity formation.
Dario Faniglione will be leading a conversation on professional identity formation which will focus on a range of theoretical perspectives. All staff and doctoral students welcome!
The talk will be an opportunity to engage with an integrated approach for the investigation of professional identity formation. This is informed by multiple theoretical perspectives and centred around the question of identity and the self. Dario Faniglione’s proposal draws from Heidegger’s ontological perspective, which is then complemented by Bourdieu’s theoretical framework of field and habitus, Giddens’ structuration theory and his concept of individual reflexivity, also expanded through Schön’s application to the professional dimension. Furthermore, a central role in shaping the focus of this investigation is the critical engagement with the different (but complementary) views of Gramsci and Foucault on the matters of power, authority and the modalities in which individuals relate to these. A methodological approach will be also articulated, as a possible approach for the investigation of perceptions of professionals, in education and or other fields of activity.