CHIME: Exploring the Relationship between Jazz Festivals and European Heritage Sites | Professor Tony Whyton (Birmingham Conservatoire/School of Media)
In this presentation, Professor Tony Whyton explores the themes and interim findings of the JPI-Heritage Plus project Cultural Heritage and Improvised Music in European Festivals (CHIME). CHIME explores the uses and re-uses of different types of heritage through the study of jazz and improvised music festivals, and examines how changing relationships between music, festivals and cultural heritage sites renegotiate established understandings and uses of heritage. The research views heritage sites as discursive entities that acquire value and meaning through interactions within different social groups and cultural contexts. When jazz festivals enter these places, they can help free us from unitary or reified notions of heritage, encourage us to engage with cultural heritage in new ways, and help us think about how global events link to local cultures and shape the lives of people in different ways.
This talk is part of the Conservatoire public research seminar series that take place in the New Lecture Theatre at the Conservatoire. All welcome!