School of Art - Basement Studios Margaret Street, Birmingham

The PhD Research Lab @ Birmingham School of Art emerged as a provocation to the notion of visibility in the broader university research environment. It aims to enable researchers to create, run, and produce an interactive, social and transdisciplinary environment that helps to forward their own research by providing an opportunity for students to engage […]

Artistic Research as Practice: The Politics of Knowledge Production in Contemporary Visual Culture

School of Art - Basement Studios Margaret Street, Birmingham

What is meant by artistic research and what function does it perform in relation to art practices today? This research seminar will examine the working practices of artists and how research not only informs their work but is their work. Highlighting the systems of formal and informal research that go into producing artworks (and how […]

Thinking of doing a PhD?

School of Art - Basement Studios Margaret Street, Birmingham

You are invited to ... Thinking of Doing a PhD? An event and conversation about undertaking a PhD at the Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, BCU. Whether you are simply thinking about doing a PhD or in the process of applying, this opportunity will enable you to understand what embarking on a PhD entails, details of […]


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