Embracing Doubt

Parkside - P249 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

This is an interactive, in person - and potentially glitter-filled - session on embracing doubt in research. Led by Dr Lisa Metherell, this will explore some of the concepts at play - care, orientation, and relationships to power - and involve exploring the significance of these ideas in relation to your own doctoral research. It […]

Mentoring Scheme Launch

Parkside - P249 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

It's back - the ADM PhD Mentoring Scheme! Creative, collaborative, and fuelled by coffee vouchers, the ADM PhD Mentoring Scheme seeks to pair PhD students/post-docs at different stages of their research journeys in order to support and to learn from each other, and to benefit from insights across disciplines. This is a formal launch of […]

What is Mentoring?

Parkside - P249 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Creative, collaborative, and fuelled by coffee vouchers, the ADM PhD Mentoring Scheme seeks to pair PhD students/post-docs at different stages of their research journeys in order to support and to learn from each other, and to benefit from insights across disciplines. At an initial workshop, we'll explore what mentoring is, what it might be and […]

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