Profile, research details & links

Yazmin Boyle


Unknowing, becoming and in/betweenness: towards new material space(s) for womxn in sculptural art practice

Yazmin interrogates the extent to which sculptural art practice can open up spaces to articulate the identity ‘womxn’, in doing so disrupting normative binary, cis and representational power structures that marginalise the ‘other’. This is realised by drawing on work surrounding the abject, in-between and ‘other’ dimensions of subjectivity and reframing the practice of l’écriture féminine (feminine writing). By approaching their own sculptural practice as research, they examine how the acts of artmaking and encounter as embodied and material processes can give rise to ‘unknowing’ and the becoming of identity through the entanglement of self, materiality and action (Ahmed, 2006). This enables new understandings and material spaces (Heideggar,1966). Boyle’s own artistic practice provides a vital testing-ground to investigate the affective and transformative potential of materials, as well as operating as a form of material thinking (Bolt, 2010).




instagram: @yazminfay


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