Latest Past Events

Demystifying the Progression Assessment Panel

Microsoft Teams

It's that time of year again, with first-year doctoral students' Progression Assessment Panels on the horizon and questions beginning to form:  what needs to be prepared? How long is it? Is it the same for everyone? Does it impact on the success or failure for the PhD? This informal, online workshop will explore all this […]

Mentoring Scheme Launch

Parkside - P249 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham

It's back - the ADM PhD Mentoring Scheme! Creative, collaborative, and fuelled by coffee vouchers, the ADM PhD Mentoring Scheme seeks to pair PhD students/post-docs at different stages of their research journeys in order to support and to learn from each other, and to benefit from insights across disciplines. This is a formal launch of […]

Post-PhD conversations

A large part of the PhD journey is about, well ... the PhD, and thinking about bringing it all together. However less energy tends to be spent considering what happens next. This discursive event is structured by a series of short talks and conversations from speakers who have completed their PhD in the Arts, Design […]

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