Please join us for the School of Art PhD seminar programme …
Theo Reeves-Evison | Fiction, fabulation and ‘as-if’ strategies in art and theory.
The concept of fabulation can be seen as a subterranean passage through many works of 20th century philosophy, from Bergson to Deleuze – a passage that surfaces in numerous works of contemporary art that play with fictional objects, institutions, and events. This session will invite reflection on the potential of fiction as an artistic and political technology of the imagination.
Suggested preparatory reading: ‘Genet Regained’ in Guattari, Felix. Schizoanalytic Cartographies. Trans. by Andrew Goffey. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
Dr. Theo Reeves-Evison is Senior Lecturer Fine Art (Theoretical and Contextual Studies) in Birmingham School of Art.
Please email Sian Vaughan at if you would like to attend.