From interviews and artworks to musical compositions and journal articles, data in Arts, Design & Media research takes various forms and is generated, gathered and analysed in a variety of ways. In addition, undertaking a PhD means you accrue a mass of notes – some which you know straight away what their purpose will be and others that you store for future use.
A previous ADM PhD student told us that trying to make sense of all this stuff is a bit like filtering the universe! Sound familiar?
This workshop will provide a starting point to think about practical strategies to help you filter the Universe. There will be a series of short talks from current and recently completed PhD students across a range of disciplines who will share how they are gathering, organising and managing data and other information for their research:
Jerome Turner | Using WordPress as a Research Diary
Dave Harte | Filtering the Universe with NVivo
Sebastian Svegaard | Introducing Scrivenor
Niccolò Granieri | Atom and Markdown: note-taking made easy.
There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions so you can think about developing strategies that work for you.
RSVP to book a place below