In 2020, our first-ever virtual conference … <  > connectedness: interactions, provocations, collaborations, took place on the 10th July 2020. We ran the conference on Discord — Take a look at our conference!

The conference aimed to explore the multifarious forms of connectedness in Arts, Design and Media research.

Researchers at all stages and disciplines explored <-intra, -un, -re, -inter, -dis>connections across, within and at the edges of their research to interrogate and deconstruct the many possibilities and nuances of connectedness and their associated interactions, provocations and collaborations.

The conference keynote ‘Collecting and Connecting’ was by prolific British Jamaican photographer Vanley Burke, alongside presentations, posters, lightening talks and more from 16 PhD researchers.


You can also check out our amazing conference booklet here:

Check out the original call for proposals here.

Check out the conference programme here.

Virtual welcome from Professor Alison Honour:



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