Precarious Futures: Towards the (un)known (un)knowns was the 7th PGR Studio annual conference taking place on 9th July 2021 and a great success!

Known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns and unknown unknowns are all precarious states but also vital aspects of the research process. This one-day conference sought to interrogate, provoke, explore, unpick, expose the various nuances of precarity, the (un)known and the complexities of how these states manifest and are conceptualised in arts, design, media research. Precarious Futures invited a range of responses to the ‘difficult’ and precarious state of events as we continue to navigate Covid. In doing so, it seeks to provide a platform to expose and articulate their potential, vitality and challenges that bring into question disciplines, paradigms, and methods.

(un)known Unknown unknown



Precarious Futures included contributions that engaged with these broad themes and questions. The conference included global contributions from researchers at all stages and fields, including from those outside and at the edges of the arts or humanities including presentations, panel discussions, expositions and more.



Check out the conference booklet here:


Download the full call for proposals here.

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